sunnuntai 8. huhtikuuta 2012

Long time no see.

Katarina #

Sorry, it's been a long time without a new post. Nothing special happened. Well, our friend had a b-day party yesterday, and we stayed over the night there. It was so fun~ I haven't loaded pictures yet, so you have to wait. nwn" 

What else.. Vacation, yes. We have 4 days without school, yay. Nothing else, I think. 

Tomorrow we're going to see my friend I know from internet, Peki~ It's gonna be fun!
Yesterday I drew my friend, Johanna. It's not great, I know, but I didn't have anything to do and so. (I just loooove her hair ;3)

That's all, see ya later~! ♥

lauantai 31. maaliskuuta 2012

Shopping addiction !

Katarina #

Good day everyone, second post today! ^^ Sorry, just have to. 
I went to Skanssi (shopping mall) w/ Krista, bought a new ring (I've wanted it like.. 6 months. NOW IT'S MINE) and a hair band~ My camera ran out of battery, too bad. Better luck next time. Well, we were leaving then anyway, so it didn't matter much. We saw many friends there, Jutta was there (working, hehe), and Milla & Jaantje, we chatted for like 40 minutes :D Okies, this is gonna be just a quick post, I think Krista will continue later~

And then, ladies n' gentlemen, PICTURE TIME !

My Outfit of the day #
Leather jacket is from Italy, bought it maybe 3 years ago. 
Shirt is few years old too. Can't remember where I bought it..
Dress is from Spirit Store. Jeans are from Cybershop.
Shoes are from Click Shoes (I think, not sure)
Bag is from Blippo~


Burlesque? öwö
well, it looks great on her ♥

VerryBerry-smoothie ♥ Fell in love w/ it *w*
+ yesyes, I have hair extensions, I know. My hair isn't really that long.

More pics later (or not), have a nice weekend. ♫

Friday was party night ~

Katarina #

Helloow~~ ! How are you ? :) Hope your weekend started fine.
Yesterday we were chilling out after school w/ Krista and Kaapo. Mostly taking pictures. And of course, we had something to eat. Haha. Kaapo paid and we girls just ate. ~ (Yeah, thanks, do I have to pay back or anything? :D) I didn't get many great pictures, most of them were just something crap. Here's few~

Oh GOD Krista, you're sooooo beautiful.. ♥

And a picture of Emma, this one is from school.~
Isn't she lovely? ♥

Then my handsome friend, haha. I was like "Shit, he saw when I took this picture".

And then, we saw a.. thing ( xD ) where was this text. It says something about God and God saves etc.. Just HAD to take a pic. :D

And then, hmm.. Like I said before, we went eat to Pizza Rax. Gosh I love that food. *w* Then we called Elmeri, if he would like to join us. (First it was like a joke, but still, we had a great time.) Well, he came and we ate a little more and then Krista had to leave, she had her theater (hobby). Then we three just walked home, talking a little more. 
That's all, it was so fun! We have to take this again. (: Thanks guys, you're the best.

Oh yeah, almost forgot ! Yesterday in school I was little bored, so I drew few flowers to my arm.. I'd like a tattoo like this! (Believe me, this looked even cooler in real.)

And I'm sure I'm gonna take a tattoo like this. I love it SO much ;3 It looks a bit like the tattoo in Katy Perry's "The one that got away"-music video! But yeah. Have a nice weekend everyone! ♥

torstai 29. maaliskuuta 2012

Thursday-night, party down


Yawn* How are you guys? Had a nice week? (:
Oh yeah, tomorrow: FRIDAY. (Realized it like 5 minutes ago.) You have any plans for tomorrow~?

Only 6 weeks to Kikucon, anime & manga event! Hooray! ^^ Gonna meet few net-friends there, I think. And my girlfriend, too, if she can come. (Really really REALLY hope she will come. ♥) First day I'll cosplay Misty, from Pokemon.

Like this ~
(Sorry, my face looks like ASDFGHJKL)

And for the second day I'll just put my new, beautiful dress. I just love it. (:
oh god, what a derp..

And so.. What else? öwö
Oh yeah, haha, I just got a new friend (how stupid that sounded? >3<)
He's so great guy, and a awesome photographer too! (and sooo cute. But you didn't see this comment~)
Check his blog here ! (:

And my friend just told me one hilarious thing.. First she asked like "Katarina, have you ever seen green cookies..?" and then she showed me this picture:

Looks pretty cool, eh? :__DD
Yes hun, I know that you can bake. ♥

Okies, I think it's all about this day. HAVE A NICE WEEKEND EVERYONE~ ♫